Saturday, September 17, 2011

Star Sapphire on Batman BB

As always, Saturdays are dedicated to the most remarkable woman in the DC Universe. On that note, let's proceed with...

Star Sapphire Saturday!

We were lucky enough last night to have the season premiere of Batman Brave & the Bold. Although the Cartoon Network had this slated to air this episode last May, they decided it would be best to launch this season off right! The episode... "Scorn of the Star Sapphire!"

Now it's very important to understand that this is the Cartoon Network and with 6pm as it's airing time slot, it it CLEARLY intended for kids. I kept having to remind myself of that as line after cheesy line poured forth from the screen. Regardless, it was a very fun episode and SS was not portrayed in a more tame light. In fact, I was kind of shocked as how aggressive they went with the character. It made me smile. Huge.

Considering they had to tame it down for the audiences, I thought the costume changes were very appropriate. And I like the way they kept with the correct storyline (Carol/Hal lovers; SS/GL enemies). Even with the pre-pubescent audience, presenting the relationship as challenging, less than perfect, and something that needs work was pretty remarkable. I'm glad they also showed that Carol could use her will to control the Star Sapphire rather than it entirely controlling her.

I'm sure my idealism, and the toned down, more "loving", Star Sapphire of recent incarnations can't last. She's a villain. That's one of the reasons I love her. But it has been nice having her as a "good guy" for a while. Maybe they can put a spin on her character like they've done with Attrocitous in Red Lantern #1. As far as I'm concerned, not picking up SS as her own series was a "miss" on the part of the New 52. I guess we'll have to see what they do with the Green Lantern: New Guardians. Looks like that may be Fatality on the cover of issue #1.

In the meantime, I'll continue to spend the weeks admiring SS and expressing my love on Saturdays, because as we all know...
Love Conquers All With Violet Light!

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