Thursday, October 20, 2011

Reviews: JL#2 and GLC#2

As we get closer to the holidays, my comic reading keeps piling up.  In my week off, I'll try to catch up on some much needed reviews.

It's New Comic Book Wednesday!

Justice League #2
 When we last left this series, we were in the middle of the cover art scene.  Superman was kicking the pants of the Bats.  Remember, Superheroes don't know each other at this point, and they certainly aren't a team.  They are feared by civilians and operating in the shadows of their own little superhero closets, trying to discover the origin of these crazy aliens and the mysterious little boxes they leave behind.

SPOILER ALERT:  This issue introduces two new characters to the mix (OK, three if you count a reference  to a bad guy).  GL calls in good old friend Barry West (yes, Flash for those of you not in the know) to come aid in the struggle against Supes. It becomes clear that superhumans are feared since Flash is being investigated by Central City PD.  In another part of Metropolis, a team of scientists led by Dr. Stone are analyzing another of the "little boxes" trying to discover their purpose.  In a simultaneous event, both boxes become inter-dimensional portals transporting alien armies with the battle-cry "For Darkseid!" causing, in one location, the horrific disfiguration of teenager Victor Stone (way to set up the Cyborg).

Johns' story line is pretty simplistic.  Trying to reinvent/reintroduce the most well known team on the planet (OK, the DC Planet) can't be easy, so keeping the storyline simple helps aid that process, provides some character development and lets the noob reader find the character they like best.  I understand this process, but for the tried and true devoted fan, it's a bit sssssllllllooooooowwwww. Especially for $3.99.  Really?  You draw the line at $2.99 for everything but this title and you make it so basal?  You're lucky the story and artwork are so good, otherwise I might be offended.

Nice glutes, Supes
The artwork by Jim Lee continues to impress.  He captures the tension of the action as clearly as that in the muscles in the bodies he sculpts, and he can draw scenes effectively from so many different perspectives.  While the S.T.A.R. Labs scene is so "Hallmark after-school special," it's still great to see the lab from above and the attack from below.  As a reader, I don't think I ever question where I am, but I also get the feeling that I can be anywhere and everywhere.

He's also executed the costume design quite nicely.  While the re-design has lost Superman's red undies and yellow trim, Lee certainly gives us multiple chances to see those "buns of steel." And who can resist those baby blues?  Take note, Mahnke, this is how faces should be drawn.  Maybe Lee can sit down with you for a lesson or two.

Will he, won't he. Barry
can't resist Hal's call.
I've always wondered about the Flash/Lantern relationship. I know that it's quite the bromance, but I can't help feeling there's some underlying homo-eroticism there.  Or Hal is taking advantage of the man-crush Barry has on him. Or I'm wishful thinking.  Regardless, in this issue, Barry has every excuse in the book NOT to help Hal, but comes running anyway.  When he learns the fight is over, like a good mo, he starts cleaning up. Party's over! WTF is up with that?

In spite of it all, this is MY TEAM.  While quite remedial, I feel like I'm living it from the beginning, almost as if I'm becoming part of the team as it slowly forms.  Next month, the teaser promises we meet Wonder Woman, so I'm excited to get the testosterone-infused estrogen in the mix.  See you in November.

Green Lantern Corps #2
As a follow-up to the pretty graphically violent first issue, GLC #2 follows suit with another action-packed, graphic issue.  This mysterious enemy that is decimating worlds is doing so in an effort to rebuild their own.  Led by what we can assume is some sort of rogue Green Lantern, this army seems to be collecting necessary elements from other worlds (oceans, vegetation, etc.) to rebuild their own dying planet, and killing Green Lanterns along the way as the lanterns fight forces that seem impervious to their lantern energy.

Like the Red Lantern series, this arc seems to carry a pretty strong message (both political and environmental).  At one point, the "unknown, cloaked, green-eyed, lantern holding villain" makes reference to "You don't know what you have until it's gone" as he's replenishing his world's oceans, stolen from another.  As I watch, it makes me think about the resources we are using up all too quickly on this planet.  It also makes me afraid of the attitude I know will come, that attitude of "Let's take what we need from others, no matter the cost."  I'm not fooled that the leaders of this world are any less violent, selfish or greedy as this un-named villain.
Cat got your tongue, Issy? You're a
lizard.  Won't your limbs grow back?

The art in this issue is some pretty graphic stuff.  I've never quite seen so much blood, guts and dismemberment. SPOILER ALERT: Toward the end of the issue, Isamot, realizing their rings are powerless against these foes, sacrifices himself to close the portal. He lives, and returns, but bloody, limbless and holding onto his ring only with his tongue.  Now that's fighting with everything you've got.  When he comes back, you can see the severed bone and bleeding organs hanging from his body.  It's pretty gruesome.

Now that's what I call,
"Giving him the finger."
One thing that really makes me wonder, I'm not quite sure where they are going with, is this whole "finger" thing.  I can understand the need to cut the finger off to get the ring, but this villain isn't after rings.  I know some serial killers take mementos of their kills, but I can't imagine, this is what is going on here, although the villain refers to it as an act that will reverberate throughout the corps.  Hmmm.

There's enough mystery and intrigue in this story arc, especially with this unknown villain, the genocide and the slaughter of lanterns that will keep me occupied.  I can't wait until November.

Watch out for this week's mini-digis: I think I've lost track there are so many.  Let's add Red Hood #2, Superboy #2, WonderWoman #2, Batgirl #2, Nightwing #2...

Next week:  Green Lantern: New Guardians #2, Teen Titans #2

All images copyright DC Comics and used under guidelines of Fair Use

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