Saturday, October 1, 2011

Mini-Digis 9/28 with Aquaman!

I didn't buy much this week, so I'm including a mini from last week's releases.

So here are my mini-digi-reviews this week. This week is full of titles I'm a relative newbie to.  Completely quick thoughts. Warning: Most likely contains spoilers.

Aquaman #1

Aquaman has always been the "odd man out" to me when it comes to superheroes.  I've never liked fish and sea creatures that much, and he never seemed to do anything too important on the Superfriends.  But I'm one of the few who actually liked the Aquaman pilot with Justin Hartley and since this is a Johns/Rice collab, it's a no brainer.  And oddly, it has the highest rating on Comixology this week, even higher than Batman Dark Night.

Re-cap:  While monstrous Atlanteans creep toward the surface, Aquaman stops an armored car heist and then stops in for a quick bite at a seafood restaurant. After an awkward and embarrassing interaction with a blogger, he returns to his lighthouse in Amnesty Bay, determined to surrender his throne and live a life on the surface with Mera. 

What Soars: Johns faces the Aquaman stigma head on.  They blatantly address the issue that he is a mocked and less impressive superhero with the dialogue AND the bizarrely mundane storyline. What book follows a hero stopping in for a meal in a diner? Maybe now, people can get over it.  Another great element is that John and Reis let the pictures tell the story for many pages.  Reis' talent allows that to happen. 

What Crashes:  I'm not sure I understand Aquaman's powers.  Is he bulletproof?  He manages to get only a scratch from an onslaught of bullets.  Is he a super jumper, able to leap tall buildings in two bounds??  At least he explains how he talks to marine life, and he helps out a financially strapped single mom.

I, Vampire #1

OK. Comics and Vampires.  Do I need any other reason to pick up a book?

Re-cap:  Flashing back and forth between present day and the Revolutionary War, Andrew and Mary discuss the inner struggle of being who they are.  Mary means to amass an army of Vampires to take over the world that should be run by them, not super-humans.

What Soars: While I'm not a tremendous fan of the artwork, it has that monochromatic, Walking Dead quality that seems to be pretty popular right now.

What Crashes:  Meh...  The alternating storyline is confusing and I'm not sure if these creatures are vampire AND wolf? While some stories have too much blatant explanation in them, this one doesn't have enough.  I may just need to let this one go.

Red Hood and the Outlaws #1 (from 9/21)

I was totally NOT going to pick this one up, but yesterday I watched Under the Red Hood on Netflix so I had to see what this was like in book form.  Before yesterday, I knew NOTHING about this branch of the BatWorld. Another lure was Starfire. I'm not particularly into redheads, but Princess Kori seems to captivate me for some reason.

Re-cap:  Roy Harper is Broken out of a middle-eastern war camp by Red Hood in efforts to reunite his team.  While Harper was incarcerated, Red Hood met Starfire, who joins them and aids their escape.  Later, relaxing on St Martinique, Harper learns the joy of sex with a Tamaranean while Jason Todd gets some alarming news from Essence.

What Soars: WOW!  This story does.  Great art, Packed with action and good story, a nice mix of violence, action, sex and mystery and I really like the characters so far.  Major Hit!  It was PACKED.  Felt like way more than 18 pages.

What Crashes:  I have to say nothing.  This truly was a great read.  I'll definitely pick this one up again.

All images copyright DC Comics and used under the guidelines of Fair Use.

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